You’ve seen it scrolling through Insta: the same templates, the lookalike logos, the DIY’d design. Neutrals. Safe. “Nice” (ugh). But nobody ever looks at a beige template and thinks “this is me”. That’s where I come in. I’m here to pull together your perfect brand identity with strategic branding that doesn’t just grab attention... it jumps right off the screen and smacks you in the face with fabulousness.
Instead of desperately trying to get noticed, dream clients come to you. That’s the power of strategic branding.
I create wow-factor brands for daring people with big goals and bigger personalities. I help tease out the special stuff you’ve been hiding, and use it to build your unique brand on an unshakeable foundation of strategy + personality.
If you’ve ever:
Been told you’re “too much”...
Tried (and failed) to make yourself smaller to fit the space you’re in...
Said “screw it” to the status quo, and decided to do it your way...
...I think it’s time we met.
LET'S WORK TOGETHERIf you wanted to look like everyone else, you wouldn’t be here. Hi. I work with creative entrepreneurs and bold businesses who are ready to claim their space in the world and have dream clients & customers banging down their (proverbial) door. My goal? To take what makes you special, and turn it into a badass brand — bridging the gap between business & design.
SEE HOW IT WORKSThe right first impression is unforgettable. It’s the difference between “hmm, okay” and “I need this in my life, immediately”. You have precious few seconds to form that impression with your people — so how do you make it count? It starts with intentional, strategic branding.
SEE MY SERVICESI was totally blown away by her fresh & innovative view of my brand. Not only did she establish a brand strategy, but she saw what I’d never really noticed before: my own name being representative of what I do. Since using my new brand, I’ve been a guest in speaking engagements, launched a weekly IGTV series, published a book, appeared on national television, and grown my account from 1500 to 26K followers in less than a year.
Figure out what makes you a superstar, and learn how to bring it out in your graphics with my Brand Personality Workbook. Super amazing bonus: it’s free.